Team registry
(to register your team with the 80+ Hockey Hall of Fame, please contact Herb Brennen at 613-519-0628 or by e-mail at
An important objective of the 80+ Hockey Hall of Fame/Temple de la Renommée du Hockey 80+ is to create and maintain a registry of senior recreational hockey players in Canada aged 60 and over. This national registry will assist in long term planning for Induction events, in facilitating the nomination process, in communicating with our Members and stakeholders, and in substantiating requests for grants and corporate sponsorship.
Supporting teams
To achieve its mission of identifying, selecting and inducting eligible "Player" and "Builder" candidates from across Canada, the 80+ Hockey Hall of Fame/Temple de la renommée du Hockey 80+ ( 80+ HHF) solicits the active support and participation of individuals who manage/coach senior adult recreational hockey leagues/teams and encourages their teams to modestly contribute financially to the development of the 80+ organisation and the pursuit of its goals. A team providing financial support in this manner is designated as "Supporting Team" in our national team registry.
Over the years, “Supporting Teams” have contributed immensely to helping achieve the 80+HHF mission of formally recognizing eligible 80+ active hockey players and builders of adult recreational hockey.
To become a « Supporting Team », a team is requested to contribute $200 to the 80+ Hockey Hall of Fame and if possible, on an annual basis. Supporting Team representatives are valued members of the 80+ HHF and are invited to participate in the 80+ HHF Annual Meeting and the 80+Inductee Selection Committee.
The “Supporting Team” donation is separate from the player induction fee which goes towards the costs associated with the induction ceremony itself.
List of supporting teams 2023-2024
Team | City | Team representative | Phone | List of players |
Les Grands Flos | Gatineau | Gratien Allaire | 819-778-1868 | |
Saskatoon 60 Plus Hockey | Saskatoon | Dave Hume | 306-229-4224 | |
Dukes of Durham | Durham | Wayne Watson | 416-724-4141 | |
Elder Skatesmen | Ottawa | Roy Vankoughnett | 613 824-3921 | |
Gloucester 98's | Ottawa | Don Pottier | 613 884-9650 | |
Ottawa Whitehawks | Ottawa | Ken McDonald | 613-590-7003 | |
Les Sages Rive-Sud | St-Hubert | Denis Lamarre | 438-495-1532 | |
Silver Foxes | Ottawa | Cliff Haynes | 613 443-0639 | |
Brockville Magedoma Oldtimers | Brockville | Brian McCarthy | 613 345-1014 | |
Wooden Stickes | North Bay | Jon Cobb | 705-752-1997 | |
Octokids | Ottawa | Ken Mitchell | 613-225-1435 | |
Orleans Oldies 60+ | Ottawa | Ken Morton | 613-240-2102 | |
K-W Daytimers | Kitchener-Waterloo | John Thompson | 519 496-1784 | |
Silver Streaks | Ottawa | Paul Quinney | 613-240-9093 |